Monday, August 30, 2010

Deceit [News]of the World!

In my previous blog entry I based my opinions on some facts and some basic understanding by observing the matter and the 'so called' evidences. More and more people can now see what is going on and a brilliant article that I would like to share is as follows:

Moving on with todays post, with the help of some of my friends and some research of my own backed by hardcore proof from the true greats of the media world I will now expose exactly what News of the World is; an organization that is simply pathetic to the core. Their news is deceiving, their reporters are swindles and they rip off even their own people by bullying them in writing stuff that will add some 'spice' to their shallow journalism.

First of all I will detail the exact amount of times 'News of the World' has been sued for making false allegations and then have payed hefty amounts of money to the people who sued them. So here goes the long list:

* In 2005, England footballer David Beckham and his wife Victoria brought a legal action against the paper seeking libel damages over an article that carried the headline: “Posh and Becks on the Rocks.” The legal action was withdrawn in 2006 and “resolved on a confidential basis,” according to the couple’s spokeswoman Jo Milloy.

* In April 2006, England footballer Wayne Rooney received £100,000 in damages from the publishers of The News of the World and its sister paper The Sun over articles falsely reporting he had slapped his then-fiancée and now wife, Coleen. Both had always denied the reports.

* In June 2006, England footballer Ashley Cole received damages from the publishers of The News of the World over articles incorrectly alleging the footballer had used a mobile phone as a gay sex toy. Together with its sister paper The Sun, The News of the World paid Cole £100,000 to settle the case

* In July 2006, a libel action brought by the Scottish politician Tommy Sheridan came to court in Edinburgh. Sheridan denied allegations, made by the newspaper in November 2004 and January 2005, that he had an affair, engaged in group sex and attended a swinger’s club in Manchester. Sheridan won the case and was awarded £200,000 in damages. The newspaper intends to appeal against the jury’s decision,[12] and has refused to pay out the money; Sheridan and several associates have been charged with perjury, but the case has not yet reached the courts.

* In January 2010 Norwich City Football Club Started legal proceedings against the News of the World after they published an article, “Canaries on Brink” on 24 January 2010 claiming that the club had begun the processes of going into administration

*Main article: News of the World phone hacking affair
In 2006, the paper used private investigators to illegally gain access to the mobile phone messages of a variety of people of interest to the newspaper. In 2007 the paper's royal correspondent, Clive Goodman, was jailed for four months; the paper's then editor, Andy Coulson, had resigned two weeks earlier. In 2009/2010, further revelations emerged on the extent of the phone hacking, and how widely it was known about within the News of the World and its News International parent.
*Other famous false allegations published by News of the World:
  • Caroline Cossey the transsexual "Bond Girl" in For Your Eyes Only (1981)
  • Roman Catholic Bishop Roderick Wright, who eloped with a parishioner. (1996)
  • Prince Harry underage drinking and drugs (January 2002)
  • Angus Deayton and his indiscretion with a prostitute while under the influence of cocaine (2002)
  • David Beckham and Rebecca Loos (2004)
  • Mark Oaten and his relationship with a male prostitute (January 2006)
  • Max Mosley's private sado-masochistic sexual acts with five prostitutes (2008). The News of the World posted a secretly filmed video on their website, and alleged that it involved Nazi role-playing. Mosley took legal action, and the High Court ruled in July 2008 that the News of the Worl had breached Mosley's privacy and awarded him £60,000 in damages and £450,000 in legal fees. The judge also ruled that there was no basis for the allegations of Nazism. (See Max Mosley#News of the World allegations.)
  • 14 time Olympic Gold Medallist Michael Phelps smoking from a bong. (2009)
  • Accusations that snooker star John Higgins had accepted bribes to throw frames in important snooker matches. (2010)
*these are actual facts which you can confirm thru the following link which contains all the links to every allegation inside it:
I was fortunate enough to see a talk show hosted by Mubashir Luqman on the very same topic. My oh my, i never knew that this guy used to write for News of the World and well I do not want to ruin the whole thing my writing what he said, I am instead providing links to the videos of his show which are an ABSOLUTE MUST WATCH !!

I hope you saw the videos but if not then I am highlighting certain very valid points that Luqman raised in his show wihch are as follows:

  • He used to work for News of the World writing articles, he used to get paid 400-500 pounds but later he got to know his name has replaced by some writer of News of the world. Upon asking they told him that you get paid so why worry about the name therefore Luqman stopped working for them.
  • He called up the reporter who has published the story of allegations on the Pakistani team to his show claiming that he will challenge the reporters credibility but guess what, the news of the world reporter refused to come to the show.
  • He also addresses the fact that Majeed is associated with Indian bookies which raises more eyebrows on the whole matter.
  • Another valid point he made was that 3 no balls do not decide the fate of the match so how can you punish players with life bans for something that is not high profile betting at all.
  • Luqman also provides insight on how the editors and writers of News of the World used to provide fake news in order to sell.
His programme raises more questions about the lack of concrete evidence therefore making my belief even stronger that our team is not guilty and I am proud of taking a stand for them.

I urge people to stand up now and see the real truth behind this conspiracy. Start supporting your team before condemning them for things that have not been proven yet.

Some other links that you should read to further accept the fact that this is a big conspiracy made to shatter our team.

Stand Up. Speak Up.

Proud to be a Pakistani.

Stand Up for your team !!

“The media's the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that's power. Because they control the minds of the masses."  Malcolm X

Clear your thoughts before you read this!

I can't understand how we can just accept something published by a 3rd grade newspaper with an evidence that is so damn questionable that I can't even tell you. I hate this mentality of our people, how can you trust others over your own people. Before accusing and cursing the players, has any one of you really looked into the matter and tried to do an investigation yourself? Let me highlight certain points which make this whole damn scam a little shady shall i say. So here they are:

First of all goto the and look at the picture of salman butt with majeed and the reporter, its a bloody fake picture for Gods sake, If any of your friends knows photoshop, he can tell you so damn easily. But still to give you guys a head start, look closely at salman butts  coat, and the collar of his shirt and coat, the shirt collar is not creating a shadow and the coat collar looks fake as hell. I mean just look at it, even a blind man can tell you that it is fake.

Now Moving on to the videos, tell me? If you are undercover, you will make a video with a hidden camera right ? Now the amazing thing about these videos are, you have different camera angles to it, and the camera is so freaking still as if its placed on a tripod, i mean give me a break, is this big bookie just letting the reporter tape him knowing he can get into trouble?

And if they claim that they got to know about the no-balls, why did they take 2 days to publish the damn news, why not just when our first innings started? Fishy isnt it ? Through out the videos, i was hearing a name AHMED all the time, and no other names were mentioned. Guess what, I saw Manchester United match a couple of days back, i shoot a video 10 minutes after match with some guy to whom i tell man giggs will b tripped down for a penalty in the 32nd minute, brilliant right? I predicted the future which had happened in the past. How ironic!

Now another aspect, lets say your a bookie who earns plenty of money every game. Would you sell for just 150,000 pounds, i mean a bookie makes more than this in just an over! And after getting caught, he is so generous to these reporters, that he starts telling them about more things that are gonna happen. And that too such broad statements, like the bowlers will give away a lot of runs in t20 match, i mean WOW just WOW, as if bowlers dont concede runs in the t20 form of cricket! At first there was no mention of Wahab Riaz and Umer Amin, than all of a sudden wallah, the jacket video comes. Now there is majeed and a reporter only thru out the videos, and there is a ghost who is filming from different angles, which are supposed to be hidden cameras. 

We can judge aamir by the so called 'over-acting' on the no ball, but we wont judge him on his passion and the fire inside him to lead his country to glory when he took endless amount of wickets thru out the series right? Shame on us!

Our media specially a certain GEO TV is the most disgraceful channel in the history of Pakistan because as soon as the news broke, they accepted the allegations, and started a program which had the almighty Mr Attitude Aamir Sohail who was talking about being honest and being a true Pakistani from within, Hello, are you freaking kidding me? You were the one involved in the 1996 Quarter Final match fixing against India, now you are talking about honesty, you should not even open your mouth on this topic.

Now lets come to our team management, consisting of Mr. Yawar Saeed, [a PPP likeable person], Mr. Ejaz Butt [another great friend of our President] and some others. Ohh, suddenly i see the greediness and maybe just maybe if all this is true, the money actually went to Zardari, coz he has been involved in alot of PCB matters you know. And then he comes n talks about how this is such a bad thing and they should'nt have taken bribes and he will personally look into the matter, Mr. President, you are the most corrupt person and greedy person on the face of the planet, please dont even talk about the players when you are so dirty yourself.

This whole scandal is not something to be ashamed of, but our attitudes and response towards these allegations certainly is something that i am deeply ashamed of. Even the BBC published a news saying that 'NEWS OF THE WORLD CLAIMS of allegations' but we had already jumped to conclusion because we just believe what the media creates. Until one researches himself on a news, he or she has no right to make a judgement. Being a part of the media industry i know the only race in journalism today is that who MAKES or CREATES the news that will sell the most, not the news that is credible and based on facts. And trust me, this has been approved by people working for news channels as well, its all about creating a news for the sake of viewer-ship.

I put my self in the shoes of our young guns and i wake up one morning, read these allegations published, turn on the TV and witness my whole nation and my people for whom I give my all every second accuse me and wanting to punish me, how morale-boosting right? We beat Australia after 15 years, we beat england at their home, out bowling attack was being dubbed by many as the best in the world and without a shadow of a doubt it certainly is. There was hope that finally we had a squad that given some time, would blossom into one of the best teams in the world. But how can the west tolerate something good that comes from Pakistan when our own people cant tolerate it. I fear that before this team embarks on a journey to greatness, we have buried them deep into such accusations that could destroy the careers of by far the best young talent in the world.

The players work for the team management who work for the PCB which is in the pocket of our President. So if there is someone to blame if all of this turns out to be true, than it is the management and the board but not the players. Because i do not believe that any of the young players in this team have a bigger say than the management of the PCB.

I urge every Pakistani out there who has a little brain a some heart, to stand up for your team atleast atleast till the investigation is complete. Would you leave the hand of your loved one if they were in the same situation?Please do not let the spirit of Pakistan be broken by some controversy created by the west. There are very few good things coming out of our country which give us a glimmer of hope that there is still a future, a prosperous one. And these young guns certainly did give us that hope, please do not abandon them when they need our support the most. Stand Up. Speak Up!

"Mass media is the weapon of mass destruction in this new era." - Danish Saeed